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The Imlau Research Group focuses on the area of ultrafast physics. Investigated phenomena on the ultrafast timescale include self-localization of charge carriers in strongly polarizable media. Methods include time-resolved techniques in UV/VIS- and MIR-spectroscopy that are capable of recording dynamic changes of both electronic structure and vibronic bands. Ultrafast control of light with light for information and communication technology (ICT) as well as solar-energy-conversion (photovoltaics and photothermy) play a vital role in the context of applications.
Current research findings with femtosecond (fs) laser pulses include the proof of strongly localized charge carriers influencing nonlinear optical coefficients in Sn2P2S6 (SPS) and LiNbO3 (LN), enlightenment on the dynamics of bipolarons and discovery of dynamic forming of O--hole polarons in LN, recording of dynamic diffraction gratings via two-photon absorption in SPS and in LN through polaronic-induced lattice distortion. These results have vastly improved the understanding of the volume photovoltaic effect on the basis of small polarons. Current studies spotlight transient polaronic induced lattice distortion, optical self-enhancement of fs-pulses by overlapping waves with different colors and grating recording via the nonlinear refractive index, and the interplay of polarizable environments onto photoinduceable binding isomeries.
Furthermore, in the course of the installation of a fs-laser system and related experiments (2010), the research group has developed novel methodical results, for example the creation of a supercontinuum source with a considerable spectal pulse energy over a large VIS/NIR-spectrum (350 - 1100 nm), thus allowing the realization of building an instrument for holographic ultrafast spectroscopy.