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Research Articles
Defect related anomalous mobility of small polarons in dielectric oxides at the example of congruent lithium niobate
Anton Pfannstiel, Mirco Imlau, Marco Bazzan and Laura Vittadello
Scientific Reports (2024), 14, 22047; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-71858-6
Open-Photonics: An integrated approach for building a 3D-printed motorized rotation stage system
Yannic Toschke, Jan Klenen and Mirco Imlau
Hardware X (2024), 20, e00577; DOI 10.1016/j.ohx.2024.e00577
Optical and Electrical Properties of A\(_3\)[VS\(_4\)] (A = Na, K) Synthesized via a Straightforward and Scalable Solid-State Method
Mohammad R. Ghazanfari, Laura Vittadello, Stephanie Bachmann, Jakob Möbs, Rudiger Bertermann, Niklas Restel, Felix Sauerwein, Johannes C. Vrijmoed, Johanna Heine, Ann-Christin Pöppler, Mirco Imlau, and Gunther Thiele
Inorg. Chem. (2024), 63(24), 11030-11040
Ground- and excited-state properties of LiNb\(_{1-x}\)Ta\(_x\)O\(_3\) solid solutions
Felix Bernhardt, Florian A. Pfeiffer, Felix Schug, Simone Sanna, Anton Pfannstiel, Tobias Hehemann, Mirco Imlau, Steffen Ganschow
Phys. Rev. Materials (2024), 8, 054403; DOI 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.054403
Long-lived, pulse-induced absorption in LiNb\(_{1-x}\)Ta\(_x\)O\(_3\) solid solutions: the case of three intrinsic defect sites for electron localization with strong coupling
Niklas Dömer, Julian Koelmann, Mira Hesselink, Tobias Hehemann, Anton Pfannstiel, Felix Sauerwein, Laura Vittadello, Steffen Ganschow, Mirco Imlau
New Journal of Physics (2024), 26, 083027; DOI 10.1088/1367-2630/ad6688
Small electron polarons bound to interstitial tantalum defects in lithium tantalate
Anton Pfannstiel, Tobias Hehemann, Nils A. Schäfer, Simone Sanna, Yuriy Suhak, Laura Vittadello, Felix Sauerwein, Niklas Dömer, Julian Koelmann, Holger Fritze, Mirco Imlau
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2024), 36, 355701; DOI 10.1088/1361-648X/ad4d47
Gap-Free Tuning of Second and Third Harmonic Generation in Mechanochemically Synthesized Nanocrystalline LiNb\(_{1-x}\)Ta\(_x\)O\(_3\) (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Studied with Nonlinear Diffuse Femtosecond-Pulse Reflectometry
Jan Klenen, Felix Sauerwein, Laura Vittadello, Karsten Kömpe, Vasyl Hreb, Volodymyr Sydorchuk, Uliana Yakhnevych, Dmytro Sugak, Leonid Vasylechko, Mirco Imlau
Nanomaterials 2024, 14(3), 317
A do-it-yourself Czerny–Turner spectrometer: atomic emission, absorption, reflection and fluorescence spectroscopy in natural sciences
Mattis Osterheider, Bjoern Bourdon, Rasmus Boettcher, Marco Beeken, Mirco Imlau
Physics Education, 57(6), 065012, 2022
Remarkable Infrared Nonlinear Optical, Dielectric, and Strong Diamagnetic Characteristics of Semiconducting K3[BiS3]
Mohammad R. Ghazanfari, Laura Vittadello, Dominik Al-Sabbagh, Archa Santhosh, Charlie Frankcom, Friederike Fuß, Clara A. von Randow, Konrad Siemensmeyer, Johannes C. Vrijmoed, Franziska Emmerling, Paul Jerabek, Mirco Imlau, and Günther Thiele
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2022)
Spektrometer aus LEGO®-Bausteinen – Innovationen für den modernen Chemieunterricht
Mattis Osterheider, Bjoern Bourdon, Rasmus Boettcher, Mirco Imlau, Marco Beeken
CHEMKON 2022, 29, 204-208
Ca2+ activated sphingomyelin scrambling and turnover mediate ESCRT-independent lysosomal repairle hIGh EneRgy (TIGER) Widefield Microscope
Patrick Niekamp, Felix Scharte, Tolulope Sokoya, Laura Vittadello, Yeongho Kim, Yongqiang Deng, Elisabeth Südhoff, Angelika Hilderink, Mirco Imlau, Christopher J. Clarke, Michael Hensel, Christopher G. Burd & Joost C. M. Holthuis
nature communications (2022)
NIR-to-NIR Imaging: Extended Excitation Up to 2.2 μm Using Harmonic Nanoparticles with a Tunable hIGh EneRgy (TIGER) Widefield Microscope
Laura Vittadello, Jan Klenen, Karsten Koempe, Laura Kocsor, Zsuzsanna Szaller and Mirco Imlau
Nanomaterials (2021)
Thin Patterned Lithium Niobate Films by Parallel Additive Capillary Stamping of Aqueous Precursor Solutions
Fatih Alarslan, Laura Vittadello, Jonas Klein, Qaiser Ali Khan, Christian Kijatkin, Markus Haase, Helmut Schäfer, Mirco Imlau and Martin Steinhart
Advanced Engineering Materials (2021)
Evaluation of similarities and differences of LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 based on high-T-conductivity, nonlinear optical fs-spectroscopy and ab initio modeling of polaronic structures
Andreas Krampf, Mirco Imlau, Yuriy Suhak, Holger Fritze, Simone Sanna
New Journal of Physics (2021)
In-vivo tracking of harmonic nanoparticles: a study based on a TIGER widefield microscope [Invited]
Laura Vittadello, Christian Kijatkin, Jan Klenen, Dustin Dzikonski, Karsten Kömpe, Christian Meyer, Achim Paululat, and Mirco Imlau
Optical Materials Express (2021)
A modular optical honeycomb breadboard realized with 3D-printable building bricks and industrial aluminum extrusions
Yannic Toschke, Bjoern Bourdon, Dirk Berben, Mirco Imlau
HardwareX (2021)
Time‐Resolved Nonlinear Diffuse fs‐Pulse Reflectometry Using Lithium Niobate Nanoparticles with Two Pulses of Different Colors
Christian Kijatkin, Bjoern Bourdon, Jan Klenen, Laura Kocsor, Zsuzsanna Szaller, Mirco Imlau
Advanced Photonics Research (2020)
The role of cations in hydrothermal synthesis of nonlinear optical sodium niobate nanocrystals
Nico-Dominik Kohlenbach, Christian Kijatkin, Matthias König, Markus Haase, Mirco Imlau, Karsten Kömpe
Nanoscale 12, 19223-19229 (2020)
Small-Polaron Hopping and Low-Temperature (45–225 K) Photo-Induced Transient Absorption in Magnesium-Doped Lithium Niobate
Simon Messerschmidt, Andreas Krampf, Laura Vittadello, Mirco Imlau, Tobias Nörenberg, Lukas M. Eng, David Emin
Crystals 10(9) , 809 (2020)
Excitonic hopping-pinning scenarios in lithium niobate based on atomistic models: different kinds of stretched exponential kinetics in the same system
Gabor Corradi, Andreas Krampf, Simon Messerschmidt, Laura Vittadello, Mirco Imlau
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, 413005 (2020)
Superposed picosecond luminescence kinetics in lithium niobate revealed by means of broadband fs-fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy
Andreas Krampf, Simon Messerschmidt, Mirco Imlau
Scientific reports, 10, Article number: 11397 (2020)
Synthesis, structural investigation and NLO properties of three 1,2,4-triazole Schiff bases
Sourmeya Maza, Christian Kijatkin, Zakaria Bouhidel, Sébastien Pillet, Dominik Schaniel, Mirco Imlau, Benoit Guillot, Aoutef Cherouana, El-Eulmi Bendeif
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1219, 128492 (2020)
Konversionsschichten: Qualitätskontrolle sehr dünner Schichten in der Aluminium-Dünnschicht-Vorbehandlung
Mareike Schlag, Hauke Brüning, Kai Brune, Jörg Rischmüller, Yannic Toschke, Mirco Imlau
Besser Lackieren, Ausgabe 06/2020, S. 10 (2020)
Inspection of Trivalent Chromium Conversion Coatings Using Laser Light: The Unexpected Role of Interference on Cold-Rolled Aluminium
Joerg Rischmueller, Yannic Toschke, Mirco Imlau, Mareike Schlag, Hauke Brüning, Kai Brune
Sensors, 20(8), 2164 (2020)
Combining Photoinduced Linkage Isomerism and Nonlinear Optical Properties in Ruthenium Nitrosyl Complexes
Artem Mikhailov, Vedran Vukovic, Christian Kijatkin, Emmanuel Wenger, Mirco Imlau, Theo Woike, Gennadiy Kostin, and Dominik Schaniel
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 75(6), 1152-1163 (2019)
Absorption and Remission Characterization of Pure, Dielectric (Nano-)Powders Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy: An End-To-End Instruction
Sergej Bock, Christian Kijatkin, Dirk Berben, and Mirco Imlau
Applied Sciences, 9(22), 4933 (2019)
Vorbehandlungsprüfung mit dem Laserpointer
Mirco Imlau, Yannic Toschke, Jörg Rischmüller, Mareike Schlag, Hauke Brüning, Kai Brune
JOT Journal für Oberflächentechnik 59(6), 46-49 (2019)
Pulse-induced transient blue absorption related with long-lived excitonic states in iron-doped lithium niobate
Simon Messerschmidt, Björn Bourdon, David Brinkmann, Andreas Krampf, Laura Vittadello, and Mirco Imlau
Opt. Mater. Express 9, 2748-2760 (2019)
The role of self-trapped excitons in polaronic recombination processes in lithium niobate
Simon Messerschmidt, Andreas Krampf, Felix Freytag, Mirco Imlau, Laura Vittadello, Marco Bazzan & Gabor Corradi
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 065701 (2019)
Nonlinear optical organic-inorganic crystals: Synthesis, structural analysis, and verification of harmonic generation in tri-(o-Chloroanilinium Nitrate)
Hamza Athmani, Christian Kijatkin, Rim Benali-Cherif, Sébastien Pillet, Dominik Schaniel, Mirco Imlau, Nourredine Benali-Cherif, and El-Eulmi Bendeif
Acta Crystallographica Section A 75, 107-114 (2019)
Dynamic-grating-assisted energy transfer between ultrashort laser pulses in lithium niobate
Stefan Nolte, Bjoern Bourdon, Felix Freytag, Mirco Imlau, Alexandr Shumelyuk, and Serguey Odoulov
Optics Express 26(17), 21558-21573 (2018)
Small Polaron Hopping in Fe:LiNbO\(_3\) as a Function of Temperature and Composition
Laura Vittadello, Marco Bazzan, Simon Messerschmidt & Mirco Imlau
Crystals 2018, 8(7), 294
Holographic performance of silicon polymer films based on photoswitchable molecules
Bjoern Bourdon, Sergej Bock, Christian Kijatkin, Alexandr Shumelyuk, and Mirco Imlau
Optical Material Express 8(7), 1951-1967 (2018)
Picosecond near-to-mid-infrared absorption of pulse-injected small polarons in magnesium doped lithium niobate
Felix Freytag, Phillip Booker, Gábor Corradi, Simon Messerschmidt, Andreas Krampf, and Mirco Imlau
Optical Material Express 8(6), 1505-1514 (2018)
Nonlinear Optical Potassium Niobate Nanocrystals as Harmonic Markers: The Role of Precursors and Stoichiometry in Hydrothermal Synthesis
Zunhao Wang, Christian Kijatkin, Alexander Urban, Markus Haase, Mirco Imlau and Karsten Kömpe
Nanoscale 10, 10713-10720 (2018)
Chirp control of femtosecond-pulse scattering from drag-reducing surface-relief gratings
Juliane Eggert, Bjoern Bourdon, Stefan Nolte, Joerg Rischmueller, and Mirco Imlau
Photonics Research 6(6), 542-548 (2018)
The elusive role of Nb\(_\text{Li}\) bound polaron energy in hopping charge transport in Fe:LiNbO\(_3\)
Laurent Guilbert, Laura Vittadello, Marco Bazzan, Imed Mhaouech, Simon Messerschmidt & Mirco Imlau
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 125701 (2018)
Nonlinear Diffuse fs-Pulse Reflectometry of Harmonic Upconversion Nanoparticles
Christian Kijatkin, Juliane Eggert, Sergej Bock, Dirk Berben, Laura Oláh, Zsuzsanna Szaller, Zsolt Kis & Mirco Imlau
Photonics 2017, 4(1), 11
Atomic insight to lattice distortions caused by carrier self-trapping in oxide materials
Felix Freytag, Gábor Corradi & Mirco Imlau
Sci. Rep. 6, 36929 (2016)
Optical Riblet Sensor: Beam Parameter Requirements for the Probing Laser Source
Juliane Tschentscher, Sven Hochheim, Hauke Brüning, Kai Brune, Kay-Michael Voit and Mirco Imlau
Sensors 2016, 16(4), 458
Riblet Sensor -- Light Scattering on Micro Structured Surface Coatings
Mirco Imlau, Hauke Bruening, Kay-Michael Voit, Juliane Tschentscher and Volker Dieckmann
arXiv:1601:0469 [physics.ins-det] (2016)
Doppler-shifted Raman-Nath diffraction from gratings recorded in LiNbO3 with ultra-short laser pulses of different color
Holger Badorreck, Alexandr Shumelyuk, Stefan Nolte, Mirco Imlau, Serguey Odoulov
Optical Material Express 6, 517 (2016)
Scanning nonlinear absorption in lithium niobate over the time regime of small polaron formation
Holger Badorreck, Stefan Nolte, Felix Freytag, Pia Bäune, Volker Dieckmann, Mirco Imlau
Optical Materials Express 5, 2729 (2015)
Optical nonlinearities of small polarons in lithium niobate
Mirco Imlau, Holger Badorreck, Christoph Merschjann
Applied Physics Reviews 2, 040606 (2015)
Holographic spectroscopy: analysis of convergent phase development
Kay-Michael Voit, Mirco Imlau
European Journal of Physics 36, 035003 (2015)
Verfahren zur Qualitätskontrolle einer Mikrostrukturierung sowie Vorrichtung hierfür
Mirco Imlau, Hauke Brüning, Kay-Michael Voit, Juliane Tschentscher, Stefan Dieckhoff, Udo Meyer, Johannes Derksen, Kai Brune, Christian Tornow
Patent DE102013220006(A1) (2015)
Interference and holography with femtosecond laser pulses of different colours
Serguey Odoulov, Alexandr Shumelyuk, Holger Badorreck, Stefan Nolte, Kay-Michael Voit, Mirco Imlau
Nature Communications 6 (2015)
Explaining the success of Kogelnik’s coupled-wave theory by means of perturbation analysis: discussion
Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt, Mirco Imlau, Kay-Michael Voit
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31, 1158-1166 (2014)
Dynamics of the light-induced absorption in photochromic [Ru(bpy)2(OSO)]\(^+\)
S. Eicke, V. Dieckmann, A. Kruse, K.-M. Voit, M. Imlau, L. Walder
Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics 4, 6 (2014)
Polarization structure of beam fanning in low-symmetry photorefractive crystals
Alexandr Volkov, Alexandr Shumelyuk, Serguey Odoulov, Mirco Imlau
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 1102-1108 (2013)
Holographic Spectroscopy: Wavelength-Dependent Analysis of Photosensitive Materials by Means of Holographic Techniques
Kay-Michael Voit, Mirco Imlau
MDPI Materials 6, 334-358 (2013)
High-contrast, high-resolution photochromic silicone polymer based on photoswitchable [Ru(bpy)2OSO]PF6 building blocks
Kristin Springfeld, Volker Dieckmann, Mirco Imlau
Photonics Research 1, 197 (2013)
Self-diffraction from two-photon absorption gratings in Sn2P2S6
A. Shumelyuk, M. Imlau, V. Dieckmann, H. Badorreck, A. Grabar, S. Odoulov
Optics Letters 37, 4065-4067 (2012)
Improvement in photostability of solid state dye by oxygen removal
Jennifer Krause, Mirco Imlau, Theo Woike, Dominik Schaniel
Optical Materials Express 2, 71-77 (2012)
Transition Metal Compounds Towards Holography
Volker Dieckmann, Sebastian Eicke, Kristin Springfeld, Mirco Imlau
Materials 5, 1155-1175 (2012)
Small-polaron based holograms in LiNbO3 in the visible spectrum
H. Brüning, V. Dieckmann, B. Schoke, K.-M. Voit, M. Imlau, G. Corradi, C. Merschjann
Optics Express 20, 13326-13336 (2012)
Bulk photovoltaic effect of LiNbO3:Fe and its small-polaron-based microscopic interpretation
O. F. Schirmer, M. Imlau, C. Merschjann
Physical Review B 83, 165106 (2011)
Orientational dependencies of space-charge waves under the action of a magnetic field in GaAs:Cr
D. V. Petrov, A. V. Shamray, B. Hilling, K.-M. Voit, M. Lemmer, M. Imlau
Applied Physics B 103, 351-356 (2011)
Nonexponential relaxation dynamics of localized carrier densities in oxide crystals without structural or energetic disorder
C. Merschjann, M. Imlau, H. Brüning, B. Schoke, S. Torbrügge
Physical Review B 84, 052302 (2011)
Tin hypothiodiphosphate: nonlinear response in the sub-100 fs time domain
M. Imlau, V. Dieckmann, H. Badorreck, A. Shumelyuk
Optical Materials Express 1, 953-961 (2011)
Hologram recording via spatial density modulation of \(\mathrm{Nb}_\mathrm{Li}^{4+/5+}\) antisites in lithium niobate
M. Imlau, H. Brüning, B. Schoke, R.-S. Hardt, D. Conradi, C. Merschjann
Optics Express 19, 15322-15338 (2011)
Transient light-induced absorption in periodically poled lithium niobate: Small polaron hopping in the presence of a spatially modulated defect concentration
B. Schoke, M. Imlau, H. Brüning, C. Merschjann, G. Corradi, K. Polgar, I. I. Naumova
Physical Review B 81 (2010)
Thermal stability, photochromic sensitivity and optical properties of [Ru(bpy)2(OSOR)]\(^+\) compounds with R = Bn, BnCl, BnMe
Volker Dieckmann, Kristin Springfeld, Sebastian Eicke, Mirco Imlau, Jeffrey J. Rack
Optics Express 18, 23495-23503 (2010)
Phototriggered NO and CN release from [Fe(CN)5NO]\(^{2−}\) molecules electrostatically attached to TiO2 surfaces
Volker Dieckmann, Mirco Imlau, Dereje Hailu Taffa, Lorenz Walder, Robert Lepski, Dominik Schaniel, Theo Woike
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 3283 (2010)
Wave mixing in nominally undoped Sn2P2S6 at high light intensities
A. Shumelyuk, M. Wesner, M. Imlau, S. Odoulov
Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics 95, 497-503 (2009)
Double-phase conjugate mirror in nominally undoped Sn2P2S6
A. Shumelyuk, M. Wesner, M. Imlau, S. Odoulov
Optics Letters 34, 734-736 (2009)
Electron small polarons and bipolarons in LiNbO3
O. F Schirmer, M. Imlau, C. Merschjann, B. Schoke
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 123201 (2009)
Large scale magnetic field influence on trap recharging waves in InP:Fe and GaAs:Cr
D. V. Petrov, M. P. Petrov, B. Hilling, M. Lemmer, M. Imlau
Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics 95, 483-488 (2009)
Absorption cross sections and number densities of electron and hole polarons in congruently melting LiNbO3
C. Merschjann, B. Schoke, D. Conradi, M. Imlau, G. Corradi, K. Polgar
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (2009)
Space-charge wave excitation by superposition of static and moving interference patterns
B. Hilling, T. Schemme, K.-M. Voit, H.-J. Schmidt, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 80, 205118 (2009)
Pronounced photosensitivity of molecular [Ru(bpy)2(OSO)]\(^+\) solutions based on two photoinduced linkage isomers
Volker Dieckmann, Sebastian Eicke, Jeffrey J. Rack, Theo Woike, Mirco Imlau
Optics Express 17, 15052-15060 (2009)
Optically generated small electron and hole polarons in nominally undoped and Fe-doped KNbO3 investigated by transient absorption spectroscopy
S. Torbruegge, M. Imlau, B. Schoke, C. Merschjann, O. F. Schirmer, S. Vernay, A. Gross, V. Wesemann, D. Rytz
Physical Review B 78 (2008)
Photorefraction of Pb-doped tin hypothiodiphosphate
A. Shumelyuk, D. Bariov, M. Imlau, A. Grabar, I. Stoyka, Y. Vysochanskii
Optical Materials 30, 1555-1559 (2008)
Frequency-degenerate nonlinear light scattering in low-symmetry crystals
A. Shumelyuk, A. VoIkov, A. Selinger, M. Imlau, S. Odoulov
Optics Letters 33, 150-152 (2008)
Trap saturation in InP : Fe by optical interband excitation
M. P. Petrov, V. V. Bryksin, B. Hilling, M. Lemmer, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 78 (2008)
Thickness dependence of photo-induced light scattering in photorefractive ferroelectrics
M. Goulkov, K. Bastwoste, S. Möller, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (2008)
Photorefractive parameters of lithium niobate crystals from photoinduced light scattering
M. Goulkov, M. Imlau, T. Woike
Physical Review B 77 (2008)
Influence of Mg doping on the behaviour of polaronic light-induced absorption in LiNbO3
D. Conradi, C. Merschjann, B. Schoke, M. Imlau, G. Corradi, K. Polgar
physica status solidi - Rapid Research Letters 2, 284-286 (2008)
Holography and Optical Storage
Mirco Imlau, Martin Fally, Hans Coufal†, Geoffrey Burr, Glenn Sincerbox
Chapter in Springer Handbook of Lasers and Optics (Frank Träger, ed.), Springer New York, 1205-1249 (2007)
Parametric hybrid scattering from light-induced ferroelectric and photorefractive structures
A. Selinger, U. Voelker, V. Dieckmann, M. Imlau, M. Goulkov
Optics Express 15, 4684-4693 (2007)
Photoinduced nitrosyl linkage isomers uncover a variety of unconventional photorefractive media
D. Schaniel, M. Imlau, T. Weisemoeller, T. Woike, K. W. Kramer, H. U. Gudel
Advanced Materials 19, 723-726 (2007)
Interactions of optically generated space-charge waves with magnetic fields in semi-insulating InP : Fe single crystals
M. P. Petrov, V. V. Bryksin, M. Lemmer, B. Hilling, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 76 (2007)
Insight to UV-induced formation of laser damage on LiB3O5 optical surfaces during long-term sum-frequency generation
S. Möller, Ä. Andresen, C. Merschjann, B. Zimmermann, M. Prinz, M. Imlau
Optics Express 15, 7351-7356 (2007)
Influence of chemical reduction on the particular number densities of light-induced small electron and hole polarons in nominally pure LiNbO3
C. Merschjann, B. Schoke, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 76 (2007)
Trap-recharging waves versus damped, forced charge-density oscillations in hexagonal silicon carbide
M. Lemmer, B. Hilling, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau, A. A. Lebedev, V. V. Bryksin, M. P. Petrov
European Physical Journal B 60, 9-14 (2007)
Defects and photorefraction: A relation with mutual benefit
M. Imlau
physica status solidi (a) 204, 642-652 (2007)
Fixed index gratings in LiNbO3:Fe upon long-term exposure to an intense laser beam
V. Dieckmann, A. Selinger, M. Imlau, M. Goulkov
Optics Letters 32, 3510-3512 (2007)
Conical light scattering in strontium barium niobate crystals related to an intrinsic composition inhomogeneity
K. Bastwöste, U. Sander, M. Imlau
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (2007)
Structural properties of Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6 in the temperature range 10-500 K investigated by high-resolution neutron powder diffraction and specific heat measurements
J. Schefer, D. Schaniel, V. Pomjakushin, U. Stuhr, V. Petříček, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 74 (2006)
Trap recharging wave mode with a linear dispersion law for space-charge waves in CdTe:Ge
M. P. Petrov, V. V. Bryksin, K. Shcherbin, M. Lemmer, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 74, 085202 (2006)
Evidence for two-path recombination of photoinduced small polarons in reduced LiNbO3
C. Merschjann, D. Berben, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke
Physical Review Letters 96 (2006)
Holographic light scattering in centrosymmetric sodium nitroprusside upon generation of light-induced metastable states
M. Imlau, M. Fally, T. Weisemoeller, D. Schaniel
Physical Review B 73 (2006)
Dispersion of the electro-optic properties of cerium-doped \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
Mirco Imlau, Kathrin Bastwöste, Stefan Möller, Uwe Voelker, Mikhail Goulkov
Journal of Applied Physics 100, 053110-053110-6 (2006)
Intensity dependent properties of photo-induced light scattering in ferroelectric \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6:Ce}\)
M. Goulkov, O. Fedorenko, T. Woike, T. Granzow, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 3037-3052 (2006)
Holographic recording with reduced intermodulation noise in periodically poled lithium niobate
M. Werner, T. Woike, M. Imlau, S. Odoulov
Optics Letters 30, 610-612 (2005)
Transient kinetics of light-induced metastable states in single crystals and aqueous solutions of \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO]\cdot2H_2O}\)
D. Schaniel, T. Woike, C. Merschjann, M. Imlau
Physical Review B 72 (2005)
Evidence of four light-induced metastable states in iron-nitrosyl complexes
D. Schaniel, T. Woike, L. Tsankov, M. Imlau
Thermochimica Acta 429, 19-23 (2005)
Comment on "Theoretical study of the photoinduced transfer among the ground state and two metastable states in \(\mathrm{[Fe(CN)_5NO]^{2-}}\)" [J. Chem. Phys. 122, 074314 (2005)]
D. Schaniel, T. Woike, B. Delley, J. Schefer, M. Imlau
Journal of Chemical Physics 123 (2005)
Space-charge waves in silicon carbide
M. P. Petrov, V. V. Bryksin, A. A. Lebedev, M. Lemmer, M. Imlau
Journal of Applied Physics 98 (2005)
High-frequency branch of space-charge waves in photorefractive crystals
M. Petrov, V. Bryksin, A. Emgrunt, M. Imlau, E. Krätzig
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 22, 1529-1537 (2005)
Polarons generated by laser pulses in doped LiNbO3
P. Herth, D. Schaniel, T. Woike, T. Granzow, M. Imlau, E. Krätzig
Physical Review B 71 (2005)
Evidence for light-induced hole polarons in LiNbO3
P. Herth, T. Granzow, D. Schaniel, T. Woike, M. Imlau, E. Krätzig
Physical Review Letters 95 (2005)
Temperature-dependent coherent oscillation in photorefractive relaxor strontium barium niobate
M. Goulkov, O. Fedorenko, L. Ivleva, T. Woike, T. Granzow, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 22, 1648-1653 (2005)
Photorefractive parametric scattering in the ferroelectric relaxor SBN: Phenomenological and application aspects
M. Goulkov, O. Fedorenko, L. Ivleva, M. Bottcher, T. Woike, T. Granzow, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke
Physical Review B 71 (2005)
Photocrystallography at TriCS/SINQ: light-induced structural changes in \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO]2H_2O}\)
J. Schefer, D. Schaniel, T. Woike, M. Imlau
Physica B: Condensed Matter 350, 87-90 (2004)
Valence-sensitive determination of \(\mathrm{Cr^{3+}}\) and \(\mathrm{Ce^{3+}}\) concentration in doped \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\) from magnetization studies and paramagnetic relaxation of \(\mathrm{Ce^{3+}}\)
D. Schaniel, T. Woike, G. Weckwerth, J. Schefer, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke, R. Pankrath
Physical Review B 70 (2004)
Rectification of space charge waves in the semiconductor InP:Fe
M. P. Petrov, V. V. Bryksin, C. E. Ruter, F. Rahe, A. Emgrunt, M. Imlau, E. Krätzig
Physical Review B 69 (2004)
Change from 3D-Ising to random field-Ising-model criticality in a uniaxial relaxor ferroelectric
T. Granzow, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau, W. Kleemann
Physical Review Letters 92 (2004)
Beam fanning used to study thermal disorder and decay of polar structures in the ferroelectric relaxor \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
M. Goulkov, O. Shinkarenko, T. Granzow, T. Woike, M. Imlau
Europhysics Letters 66, 48-54 (2004)
Light-induced metastable states in oxalatenitrosylruthenium(II) and terpyridinenitrosylruthenium(II) complexes
S. Ferlay, H. W. Schmalle, G. Francese, H. Stoeckli-Evans, M. Imlau, D. Schaniel, T. Woike
Inorganic Chemistry 43, 3500-3506 (2004)
Specific recording kinetics as a general property of unconventional photorefractive media
M. Fally, M. Imlau, R. A. Rupp, M. A. Ellabban, T. Woike
Physical Review Letters 93 (2004)
Angular and wavelength selectivity of parasitic holograms in cerium doped strontium barium niobate
M. A. Ellabban, M. Fally, M. Imlau, T. Woike, R. A. Rupp, T. Granzow
Journal of Applied Physics 96, 6987-6993 (2004)
Intensity and wavelength dependence of the photoconductivity in Cr-doped \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
U. Dorfler, T. Granzow, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath
European Physical Journal B 38, 19-24 (2004)
Aging of the ferroelectric hysteresis in Ce-doped Strontium-Barium-Niobate observed by holographic phase gratings
U. Dorfler, T. Granzow, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, R. Pankrath, M. Imlau
Applied Physics B 78, 211-215 (2004)
Composition dependence of the phase transition temperature in \(\mathrm{Sr_xBa_{1-x}Nb_2O_6}\)
S. David, T. Granzow, A. Tunyagi, M. Wöhlecke, T. Woike, K. Betzler, M. Ulex, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath
physica status solidi a 201, R49-R52 (2004)
The modulated structure of \(\mathrm{Ba_{0.39}Sr_{0.61}Nb_2O_6}\). I. Harmonic solution
T. Woike, V. Petříček, M. Dusek, N. K. Hansen, P. Fertey, C. Lecomte, A. Arakcheeva, G. Chapuis, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath
Acta Crystallographica Section B 59, 28-35 (2003)
Light-induced structural changes by excitation of metastable states in \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO]2H_2O}\) single crystals
D. Schaniel, J. Schefer, M. Imlau, T. Woike
Physical Review B 68 (2003)
Influence of Ce and Cr doping on the pyroelectric behaviour of \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
T. Granzow, T. Woike, W. Rammensee, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath
physica status solidi a 197, R2-R4 (2003)
Temperature dependent determination of the linear electrooptic coefficient \(r_{33}\) in \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\) single crystals by means of light-induced scattering
M. Goulkov, T. Granzow, U. Dörfler, T. Woike, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath, W. Kleemann
Optics Communications 218, 173-182 (2003)
Temperature study of photoinduced wide-angle scattering in cerium-doped strontium barium niobate
M. Goulkov, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath, T. Granzow, U. Dörfler, T. Woike
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20, 307-313 (2003)
Study of beam-fanning hysteresis in photo-refractive SBN:Ce: light-induced and primary scattering as functions of polar structure
M. Y. Goulkov, T. Granzow, U. Dörfler, T. Woike, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath
Applied Physics B 76, 407-416 (2003)
New parametric scattering in photorefractive \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6:Cr}\)
M. Goulkov, O. Shinkarenko, L. Ivleva, P. Lykov, T. Granzow, T. Woike, M. Imlau, M. Wöhlecke
Physical Review Letters 91 (2003)
Beam fanning reversal in the ferroelectic relaxor \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\) at high external electric fields
M. Goulkov, M. Imlau, T. Granzow, T. Woike
Journal of Applied Physics 94, 4763-4771 (2003)
Crystal structure analysis and extremely long-living light-induced metastable states in \(\mathrm{RbY[Fe(CN)_5NO]_2 \cdot 10H_2O}\) and \(\mathrm{CsY[Fe(CN)_5NO]_2 \cdot 10H_2O}\)
T. Woike, P. Held, M. Mühlberg, M. Imlau
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 217, 525-531 (2002)
Superspace approach applied to a neutron-diffraction study of the holographic data storage material \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
D. Schaniel, J. Schefer, V. Petříček, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath, T. Granzow, T. Woike
Applied Physics A 74, S963-S965 (2002)
Light-induced absorption changes by excitation of metastable states in \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO]2H_2O}\) single crystals
D. Schaniel, J. Schefer, B. Delley, M. Imlau, T. Woike
Physical Review B 66 (2002)
Light-induced extinction originating from holographic scattering
M. Imlau, T. Woike, D. Schaniel, J. Schefer, M. Fally, R. A. Rupp
Optics Letters 27, 2185-2187 (2002)
Polarization-based adjustable memory behavior in relaxor ferroelectrics
T. Granzow, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau, W. Kleemann
Physical Review Letters 89 (2002)
Local electric-field-driven repoling reflected in the ferroelectric polarization of Ce-doped \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
T. Granzow, U. Dörfler, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, R. Pankrath, M. Imlau, W. Kleemann
Applied Physics Letters 80, 470-472 (2002)
Evidence of random electric fields in the relaxor-ferroelectric \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
T. Granzow, U. Dörfler, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, R. Pankrath, M. Imlau, W. Kleemann
Europhysics Letters 57, 597-603 (2002)
Holographic light scattering in photorefractive crystals with local response
M. Goulkov, S. Odoulov, T. Woike, J. Imbrock, M. Imlau, E. Krätzig, C. Bäumer, H. Hesse
Physical Review B 65 (2002)
Photorefractive properties of Cr-doped \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\) related to crystal purity and doping concentration
T. Woike, U. Dörfler, L. Tsankov, G. Weckwerth, D. Wolf, M. Wöhlecke, T. Granzow, R. Pankrath, M. Imlau, W. Kleemann
Applied Physics B 72, 661-666 (2001)
Lifetime of small polarons in strontium-barium-niobate single crystals doped with cerium or chromium
T. Woike, D. Berben, M. Imlau, K. Buse, R. Pankrath, E. Krätzig
Journal of Applied Physics 89, 5663-5666 (2001)
Holographic recording with orthogonally polarized waves in centrosymmetric \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO] \cdot 2H_2O}\)
M. Imlau, T. Woike, R. Schieder, R. A. Rupp
Europhysics Letters 53, 471-477 (2001)
Influence of pinning effects on the ferroelectric hysteresis in cerium-doped \(\mathrm{Sr_{0.61}Ba_{0.39}Nb_2O_6}\)
T. Granzow, U. Dörfler, T. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, R. Pankrath, M. Imlau, W. Kleemann
Physical Review B 63 (2001)
Angle-dependent Mossbauer spectroscopy in the ground and metastable electronic states in \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO] \cdot 2H_2O}\) single crystals
T. Woike, M. Imlau, V. Angelov, J. Schefer, B. Delley
Physical Review B 61, 12249-12260 (2000)
Lifetime of small polarons in iron-doped lithium-niobate crystals
D. Berben, K. Buse, S. Wevering, P. Herth, M. Imlau, T. Woike
Journal of Applied Physics 87, 1034-1041 (2000)
Holographic recording by excitation of metastable electronic states in \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO] \cdot 2H_2O}\): a new photorefractive effect
M. Imlau, S. Haussühl, T. Woike, R. Schieder, V. Angelov, R. A. Rupp, K. Schwarz
Applied Physics B 68, 877-885 (1999)
Holographic scattering in centrosymmetric \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO] \cdot 2H_2O}\)
M. Imlau, T. Woike, R. Schieder, R. A. Rupp
Physical Review Letters 82, 2860-2863 (1999)
Anisotropic holographic scattering in centrosymmetric sodium nitroprusside
M. Imlau, R. Schieder, R. A. Rupp, T. Woike
Applied Physics Letters 75, 16-18 (1999)
A holographic method for the determination of all linear electrooptic coefficients applied to Ce-doped strontium-barium-niobate
U. B. Dörfler, R. Piechatzek, T. Woike, M. K. Imlau, V. Wirth, L. Bohaty, T. Volk, R. Pankrath, M. Wöhlecke
Applied Physics B 68, 843-848 (1999)
Photorefractive behavior of \(\mathrm{Ba[Fe(CN)_5NO] \cdot 3H_2O}\) in the red and near-infrared spectral range
T. Woike, M. Imlau, S. Haussühl, R. A. Rupp, R. Schieder
Physical Review B 58, 8411-8415 (1998)
Possible reaction coordinates in the metastable states of sodiumnitroprusside \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO]2H_2O}\): a discussion based on neutron diffraction- and spectroscopic measurements
J. Schefer, T. Woike, M. Imlau, B. Delley
European Physical Journal B 3, 349-352 (1998)
Phase gratings in the visible and near-infrared spectral range realized by metastable electronic states in \(\mathrm{Na_2[Fe(CN)_5NO] \cdot 2H_2O}\)
T. Woike, S. Haussühl, B. Sugg, R. A. Rupp, J. Beckers, M. Imlau, R. Schieder
Applied Physics B 63, 243-248 (1996)